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Rilis pada 6 Desember 2023

Zemangat is a Human Resource Information System (HRIS) designed specifically to accommodate the needs of Small and Medium Enterprises (SMEs) in Indonesia. With over a decade of experience in this industry, we have developed a deep understanding of the HR challenges faced by companies of all sizes and across sectors. We believe that HRIS is not just an application but a strategic investment that can have a significant impact on streamlining HR processes, cost efficiency, and achieving productivity. The Zemangat application is designed with High Tech, Low Touch which means it is flexible, easy to use for anyone, with functions that can be customized to your needs.

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ApplicationCloudEnterpriseBusiness DevelopmentManagementMSMESUSTAINABLE CITIES AND COMMUNITIESDalam ProgramBusiness Model Validation2021Woman Founder



Tentang Zemangat

Zemangat is a Human Resource Information System (HRIS) designed specifically to accommodate the needs of Small and Medium Enterprises (SMEs) in Indonesia.

With over a decade of experience in this industry, we have developed a deep understanding of the HR challenges faced by companies of all sizes and across sectors.

We believe that HRIS is not just an application but a strategic investment that can have a significant impact on streamlining HR processes, cost efficiency, and achieving productivity. 

The Zemangat application is designed with High Tech, Low Touch which means it is flexible, easy to use for anyone, with functions that can be customized to your needs.

Indikator SDG

Apa it SDG?

Sustainable Development Goals (SDG) atau Global Goals adalah kumpulan dari 17 global goals yang saling terkait yang dirancang untuk mencapai masa depan yang lebih baik dan lebih berkelanjutan untuk semua. SDG ditetapkan pada tahun 2015 oleh United Nations dari Perserikatan Bangsa-Bangsa (PBB) dan dimaksudkan untuk dicapai pada tahun 2030.

Startup ini mendukung Sustainable Development Goals oleh United Nations.


Detail Startup Zemangat

Tahun Berdiri


Tahun Bergabung Indigo



HR System

Tahap Inkubasi

Product Validation






Zemangat Didirikan Oleh



Rilis pada 6 Desember 2023

Zemangat is a Human Resource Information System (HRIS) designed specifically to accommodate the needs of Small and Medium Enterprises (SMEs) in Indonesia. With over a decade of experience in this industry, we have developed a deep understanding of the HR challenges faced by companies of all sizes and across sectors. We believe that HRIS is not just an application but a strategic investment that can have a significant impact on streamlining HR processes, cost efficiency, and achieving productivity. The Zemangat application is designed with High Tech, Low Touch which means it is flexible, easy to use for anyone, with functions that can be customized to your needs.

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Berita Terkait Zemangat

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Indigo by Telkom Indonesia

Direktorat Digital Business
Telkom Landmark Tower,
Jakarta Digital Valley Lantai 38
Jalan Jenderal Gatot Subroto, Kav-52
Jakarta, Indonesia



+62 821-1142-2595


Indigo merupakan program inisiatif Telkom Indonesia dalam mendorong pertumbuhan industri kreatif digital melalui pengembangan kreativitas, inkubasi, akselerasi dan program pendanaan lanjutan untuk startup digital di Indonesia. Kami mendorong kolaborasi startup dan Telkom Group untuk memberikan dampak besar terhadap Ekosistem Digital Indonesia.

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